When Kids Start Asking Tricky Questions

This morning, while I was packing Kimi's lunch and washing the dishes, Kimi was eating his breakfast with his brothers on the bar, looking at me quietly. He usually has cereal but as we have ran out of milk, Kimi was dunking his biscuits into a cup of Horlick - not a popular drink here but one of my favourites, so much so that my mom brought it all the way from Malaysia - love her to bits!

Bought these bar chairs (Chairs&More) from Gumtree last weekend, made my morning routines so much easier. I can monitor the boys better this way. 

Then, he suddenly asked:
K: Ibu, who I'm going to marry?
Me: I don't know. It's one of God's secrets. You will know when you grow bigger.
K: But I want to know. I think I'm going to marry a Malaysian girl.
Me: Maybe.
K: How do you know you're going to marry Abah?
Me: Because he was not lazy. So I thought to myself, I can marry him because he can help with the kids. Girls don't like lazy boys. So you better not be lazy. (See what I did there? Parenting through story telling - haha!)
K: Was I in your tummy the whole time of this story?
Me: Hmm... yes... (Now that's going to be a tougher conversation [O_O])

Baker Street this morning, after my tutorial session with Garry. Beautiful.


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