New Belang-Belang!

After 8 years, I have finally decided to revamp my blog. Yes, I haven’t written much this past couple of years - with only 2 posts in 2017! Motherhood must have taken a toll on me. Juggling 3 kids with other things have taken my writing mood away. It is true, I guess, that stay at home moms have less time for themselves. The hours just seem to swoosh by so quickly.

Today, I would just like to preserve a screenshot of the old blog that I have grew to love. Bye-bye old Belang-belang. You will be missed.
And here is the new one. I am a bittt regretting my decision but gotta move on now!

Update: 19th August 2018
I wasn't satisfied with my previous header so I hand-drew this one instead. Now I am feeling happy and content. This makes more sense to me - Oh yes, I have now officially shorten my website to just It is no longer BUT, still the same old me =D


Juli.Zakaria said…
next mami juli baca post , the kids dah cakp cam adults. haaaaaaa
Ju Zie said…
@Juli.Zakaria Haaa... itu maksudnya blog dah bersawang, haha!

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