Eid Al-Adha 1439H

Selamat Hari Raya Aildi Adha everyone! It was a good Eid for us here in Toowoomba... As usual, simple but meaningful. But for the first time, we were so late for the Eid prayers that as we reached the front door of the hall (the usual place at CBD), they were already giving salam. Urgh... very bad time management - every, single, time! Haha!
The good thing was we made it there, to share our shop-bought-Lamingtons and listen to the khutbah. Oh, and of course, taking pictures with our friends.
Around 9 am, Hasben, together with Pak Kahar, went to help Brother Yahya with the Qurban of 2 lambs.
At home, I started cooking some simple Eid dishes: Nasi hujan panas (lembik!), seafood sambal and chicken paprik. Brought this over to Kak Zai's for a little get together.
Spent some time with the tiny Malaysian community here in Toowoomba.
That night, with the Qurban given by Kak Zai, I cooked lamb curry and sent some over to Kak Zai's family.
It was actually quite a tiring day - must be because of all the cooking I have done. I mean, this has obviously exceeded my cooking limit for a week! Anyway, semoga amalan kita diberkati dan diterima Allah. Amin... Eid Mubarak!
Our family back home celebrating Eid!


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