Warning: Good Mom Alert!

Yesterday, Kimi's second tooth was removed by the dentist at Brushland, Toowoomba. It was all drama as usual so Hasben promised him that he can choose a special toy tonight, after we had our 'buy 1 free 1' meals at the new Toowoomba Paparich.
The 3 Lions looking for toys at Kmart.
So when we arrived home with the new toy, a track for battery operated cars  that glows in the dark (which I did not approved, by the way. It was Hasben's idea), it was already bed time. 
K: Ibu, help me fix this track.
Me: No, it's already night. We need to sleep now.
K: You need to be a good mom and help me fix this track.
Me: What?? Are you saying I'm not a good mom??
K: No... but I'm just warning you to be a good mom... (he was just whining, not threatening)

I wanted to laugh but had to focus on being strict. The vocabulary is good but can be misleading... haha!

And as for Afi:
A: When I big, I am going to drive a plane actually. It's easy.
K: Which plane Afi?
A: AirAsia!
We will see baby... (^u^)

Other memorable conversations:
Afi is starting to speak like a big kid and Kimi has become my grammar Nazi - always teaching me the right way to pronounce words.
Me: I forgot to give your ‘vitamin’ (the Malay baku way)
Kimi: Haha! It’s vitamin (vytamin - the English way) Ibu!
Huh.. okay~~
Me: Afi, are you okay? Was it ouchy?
Afi: It’s ok Ibu. I’m not dead...


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